Air Scrubber Integration

photo 13Control and logic systems are important to a safe and reliable operation of our air pollution control air scrubbers ensure that it successfully integrates into your facility environment. AAT’s technical staff works closely with every customer to understand the design parameters required to meet their operational and safety objectives.

We have several typical electrical panel designs available, but we also design and build custom panels to your specifications. Our engineers and technicians are trained in the latest scrubber technologies. We can provide anything from simple relay logic to programmable logic controllers depending on the complexity and requirements of your application. Our equipment is built with components that meet UL, IEEE, ISA, NEMA, and NFPA – UL508A standards, where applicable. We also provide panels designed and built for use in hazardous areas.

All of our systems are built with quality components and tested prior to shipment.


Air Scrubber Installation

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMany companies just design and fabricate their scrubbers and leave the installation up to you. We can provide expert installation and system integration services performed by qualified engineers and installers.

Our goal is customer service to make your interaction with AAT as easy and accommodating as possible. We invite your inquiry and the opportunity to be of service.


Advanced Air Technologies, Inc.

With Thousands of Air Scrubbers in Operation Worldwide, AAT has the Proven Worldwide Expertise in the Engineering and Design of the Following Systems:

AAT has a solution if you need to control odors, acid, chemical, and NOx fumes at your facility. Our fume capture, control and scrubbing exhaust systems can prevent dangerous environmental releases, ensure regulatory compliance, and protect employee safety and health. Assistance will ensure that you receive the best possible scrubber for your application are engineering and our design, fabrication, control system engineering, and installation.



Proudly serving customers worldwide.